Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Embracing the Tears

I have cried twice today already.  Some of you may be looking up the number for the suicide hotline to leave for me in the comments section, but it’s really not that unusual for me.  I’ve always known that I am an overly sensitive person, but I realized just how much I show it while reading the Hunger Games trilogy.  I read all three books in about a week and cried a total of 839 times.  When I found out that my sister only cried once and a friend of mine didn’t cry AT ALL, I felt a little embarrassed.  I felt especially embarrassed when my sister’s boyfriend sat down to watch TV in our den while I was finishing up the third book and I began to sob uncontrollably.  He looked at me like I was on the verge of a major breakdown.  I had to leave the room to compose myself.  Ridiculous.   
I remember going to see “My Girl” with Macaulay Culkin at the movie theater with my cousin, Thomas.  I remember him making fun of me for boo-hooing in the seat next to him.  We weren’t even to the end of the movie yet, mind you.  Of course when we got to the end where Macaulay’s character goes to search for Vada’s (Anna Chlumsky) mood ring and dies in a swarm of bees, leaving young Vada heartbroken without her friend, the front of my shirt looked like someone doused me with a bucket of water.  I looked over at Thomas to see tears rolling down his face.  He of course denies this ever happened.
Why is it that we are embarrassed by showing our feelings in this way?  Is it because we feel vulnerable?  Is it because we make ugly faces when we cry? (Yes).  I have even found myself getting angry with people I genuinely care about so that they don’t sense how upset I am so I’m able to hold back the tears.  The more I thought about it, the more it didn’t make sense to me.  Of course no one wants to be around someone who is a constant blubbering fool, but why is showing our emotions in this way perceived as such a bad thing?
I have been thinking about this in regards to myself for a few weeks now.  I’ve always felt like my sensitivity was something that held me back in a way.  I felt it made me a weak person.  I began to think about how I interact with those that I love and have loved and how they made me feel.  My heart began to swell so hard it hurt.  I should be grateful that God gave me the ability to love this much and that he gave me this many people to love because honestly, not everyone in this world can say that. 
So I’ve decided to now live my life without worrying about my tender heart because it’s my heart that God blessed me with for a reason, and I embrace it. 
So I don't leave you completely picture less, here are some pictures of a few of those that make my heart swell...

1 comment:

  1. I love this post and these pics and I love your sweet and kind heart!
