I am a total creeper. Creeper in that I read people's blogs that I don't know and who have no earthly idea I exist. I never comment, which makes my stalker status even creepier. Kind of on the same wave length as this guy and his creepy flesh-colored beard...
Anywho, whilst creeping around, Pratt-style, on the interwebs one day, I came across this guh's blog and it is absolutely hilar. I started to read through some of Rachel's posts and came across one that she wrote last year about "owning" who we are and the choices and decisions that we make and not having any reservations about them or be sorry. Brilliant!
I decided to get in on this action so for those of you who care, here goes:
1. I twirl my hair. I realize this might make me look like a complete ditz, possibly make my hair fall out at a slightly faster rate, and I'm accutely aware of the fact that I'm awesome and can tie it in a knot with one hand. Sorry, I'm not sorry.
2. I'm a major blog stalker/creeper of both people I know and people who I have never met. I realize I should probably comment, but they might think I'm weird. I own this.
3. I like mayonnaise. This doesn't make me a gross person so please turn your judgemental eyes away. Sorry, I'm not sorry.
4. In this same vein, I do not like shrimp. Stop looking at me like I am from another planet. They have a putrid smell and a horrific texture. Sorry, I'm not sorry.
5. I like the Kardashians. They are talentless for sure, but their ridiculousness makes for great television, in my opinion. I own this.
6. The only reason I have for running a full marathon is so that eating an entire wheel of brie and drinking an entire bottle of wine could be considered a reward rather than total gluttony. Sorry, I'm not sorry.
7. I hate musicals. Sorry, I'm not sorry.
8. I own the fact that I am old and do not want to go get wasted at a bar with a bunch of 23 year olds.
9. I am annoyed at the fact that my facebook mini-feed is now filled with pictures of people's children. Sorry, I'm not sorry.
10. I went through 4 majors at Auburn and I came out wishing I had stuck with my first one. Indecisive much? I own this.
11. If you call me to ask me out on a date for that same night, I'm going to have plans. Sorry, I'm not sorry.
12. Any amount of physical activity will make me sweat so much I end up looking like a drowned swamp creature, and I own the fact that I don't care about going out in public looking like said creature in front of all the rich moms that live in my town.
13. I am horrified at every picture taken of me. I am not insulting your photography skills, just my inability to look like a normal human being.
14. I hate discussing politics. It's boring and your opinion is your opinion. Your candidate does not have the answer to utopia and neither does mine. And watching politicians talk themselves up to the point of being angels knowing we'd be buried in skeletal remains if we were to open any of their closets, makes me ill. Sorry, I'm not sorry.
15. I have absolutely no desire to go to an Asian country. The thought frightens me. There are massive amounts of people which stir feelings of claustrophobia, and they don't use our alphabet. Sorry, I'm not sorry.
There you have it. Just a few of my choices/preferences that I own. However arbitrary they may seem, they usually attract the eye of shame. But guilt be gone because I now own them so sorry, I'm not sorry.
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