Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Worthless Wednesday

So it is Wednesday and I am worthless.  I tried to get a little work done this morning, but the men I work with had their usual Wednesday "meeting" this morning in our conference room and they for some reason refuse to shut the door.  It's not as much a meeting as it is a competition to see whose ego comes out as victor, which is usually decided by who tells the most crude and offensive joke.  Seriously?  Just shut the door.  We already have to hear about the details of your colonoscopy so please spare us from the rest.

Anyway, keeping in line with the worthlessness, I've decided to discuss some recent worthless current events/happenings in my life.  Don't everyone get excited at once.

First and foremost, thanks to my dear friend Brooke, I have a follower!  Woo hoo!  The book deals should be rolling in any day now. 

For all of my Bama friends that might be reading this, don't be offended.  I, of course, don't feel this way about you personally, just the majority of your fan base.  Plus, we're friends and I am not friends with skanky people, therefore you do not equal skank.
I'm sure that most everyone has heard by now about the incident that went down in the Krystals on Bourbon Street.  I heard about it over the weekend, and simply dismissed it as just another idiot man/Bama fan trying to get attention.  I never thought it would snowball like it has.  For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, apparently a group of Alabama fans stumbled upon an LSU fan who was passed out at a table in the aforementioned Krystals.  The jokes started innocently enough by stacking empty Krystal boxes on the guy's back, but then it just got weird.  If you want to read the rest on Deadspin, click here.  I don't really feel the need to explain in detail on here.  Anyway, the shocking part to me is the amount of attention this is getting.  It's kind of absurd.  I turned my radio to Jox yesterday afternoon on my way home to find the discussion on Finebaum was centered around this incident.  Yes I am butch and listen to sports talk radio. 

This is seriously offensive and that poor guy is probably mortified his face is all over the interwebs with some backwoods Bama fan's genitalia resting on it, but is it really this big of a deal.  I'm sure worse things have happened at that Krystals.  Since becoming a big to do, the UofA has come out with a statement saying, "UA hopes that our fans act with class and dignity and we are disappointed when they don't.  We are aware of the video...and will appropriately deal with any student who might have been involved."  Class and dignity?  Dear sir, you must be unclear of the meaning of those words.  Or you just live a life full of disappointment.  Anywho, I'm done talking about this so if you want to read the kicker of the story, click here.

My parents are leaving for this place in a few days, and I cannot express the feelings of jealousy and resentment I feel.

I can't wait to be close to retirement and have the ability to pick up and leave for exotic places.  If wishing your life away was a career, I'd be at the top of my game.

So the pretty people are at war with the smart people.  Not really, but you could think of it that way.  Guess who will win that game every time.

In other news, I had a date last night that was not a complete train wreck.  Go figure.  Yay for not being completely socially awkward!

Oh Patrick, you know I am just buying time until I see your beautiful face again in 72 days.  I WILL come and hold you captive in your trailer this year.  It. Is. Happening.

Happy Hump Day!

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