Friday, February 3, 2012

Finally Friday

All I have to say is thank GOD January is over.  Did it seem like that month lasted a lifetime to anyone else?  I think that January and February should be removed from the calendar all together. 

In two short weeks (hopefully) I will be here...

Visiting these crazy kids...

I'm so ready to get up out of this town.  I love Birmingham, but I just feel like there was so much going on during the fall and now everything has slowed down.  I need a break from the ole Magic City.

In other news, if you are single, enjoy a nice adult beverage, and like to look at beautiful men and wonder if they are too young for you, you can join me and this guh on our quest for the world's most decent man.

I guess that's all of the mindless dribble you get for now!  Have a great weekend!